Dedicado a la conmemoración del Día de Canarias. Dimos a conocer desde el Estatuto de Autonomía hasta las instituciones más cercanas a los ciudadanos como son los ayuntamientos. En este orden de cosas decir que tuvimos en nuestro programa a la concejala de distrito Dª Carmen Guerra que hizo un alto en su ajetreada agenda para atendernos y explicar algunos aspectos relevantes sobre su función dentro de la corporación municipal.
KYC documents verification issue on Gdax Support
Are you a Gdax user? Are you having a problem with the verification of KYC documents? Is this becoming an obstruction in your trading path and you are having the struggle in accessing your Gdax account due to this error in verification? Don’t worry such an issue can be easily stopped by contacting a delegate at Gdax customer service by dialing Gdax Support Number +1-800-665-6722? The highly able executive aims at giving you fancied and best suitable solutions to all your questions.
For more info:
Sometimes it is difficult for users to disabling the Blockchain account. Is this error troubling you and you need solution from the skilled professionals who have command in Blockchain. If you ate dealing Blockchain Customer Service Number with any sort of troubles which you want to rectify, you can always take guidance from the team who is there to guide you. You can call on Blockchain customer care number which is always functional and the team is ready to guide you at every step, therefore contact them whenever you need their help to deal with all issues.